If you have an AOL e-mail address please read the message below.
We probably cannot write to you and acknowledge your ticket if you have an AOL address. You can still book using it if it is the only one you have.
Notwithstanding the fact that we operate a very clean opt in e-mail list and will always remove somebody from it should we be asked the high and mighty AOL block our mail from time to time as we are adjudged by them to be sending SPAM - which we are most certainly NOT.
It follows that if you have an or e-mail address our and your mail may well get blocked.
If you do NOT want to be on the list wait until you get your first mail from there and follow the unsubscribe links. I have tried complaining to AOL but it is like talking to a brick vaall.
If you have a alternative address please send it to me via the contact form (Link below).